Dark humor jokes are an acquired taste, but for those with a morbid sense of humor, they can provide twisted laughs at taboo topics. As we head into a new year, here are 150 of the best dark jokes to see you through 2024.

Dark Humor Jokes


Dark humor focuses on the grim, gruesome, and gloomy aspects of life that are difficult to discuss openly. By finding humor in unpleasant realities like death, disaster, and disease, dark jokes aim to ease anxieties and make light of life’s darker sides.

While not for everyone, dark comedy has been shown to have mental health benefits for some. Studies suggest people with darker senses of humor may be more intelligent and less anxious than average. They also tend to have a greater appreciation for absurdisttakes on reality.

So if morbid jokes are your cup of tea, read on for 150 of the sickest jokes to get you through whatever 2024 has in store. Just keep them to yourself or share only with similarly twisted friends!

Dark Humor Jokes

Dark Humor Jokes about Family & Relationships

  • My parents raised me as an only child, which really annoyed my younger brother.
  • My ex wanted me to talk dirty to her. So I told her to take out the trash.
  • My therapist said I was codependent all my life. Joke’s on her - I’ve got her now!
  • I’m having relationship troubles. No matter how many times I hit her, she just won’t listen!
  • I took my blind date to a pro gun rally. I didn’t think she’d take handgun that way.

Dark Humor Jokes about Death & Dying

  • When death knocks, I hope he brings pizza. I’m starving!
  • I saw a morgue worker moonlighting as a lifeguard. They said he really brings the dead back to life.
  • My friend died in a car crash yesterday… Such a shame - he just bought it too.
  • How did I escape Iraq? Iran.
  • When a doctor says “You have 10 to live,” does he mean 10 what - minutes? Months? What? Nine. Eight…

Dark Humor Jokes

Dark Humor Jokes about Disasters & Tragedies

  • Why don’t they play cards on the Titanic? Too many watery graves.
  • Why can’t orphans play baseball? They don’t know where home is.
  • I was talking to my Italian friend about the earthquake the other day. He said it was a bit of a shaky subject.
  • I rang my friend in Afghanistan last night. He said they’d had a rubbish day- just bombing after bombing after bombing.
  • I was a sound engineer at 9/11. It was a blast.

Dark Humor Jokes about Disease & Injury

  • I got my test results back, I definitely have the AIDS. Guess that’s why they call it an incurable disease!
  • Why don’t blind people skydive? Scared sh*tless.
  • Let’s hope God is kind and takes away my misery. But knowing my luck he’ll just cripple me even more!
  • Have you heard about the new corduroy pillows? They’re making headlines!
  • What’s the last thing that goes through a bug’s mind when it hits a windshield? Its butt.

Dark Humor Jokes

Dark Humor Jokes about Society & Politics

  • I dated a younger woman for a while…turned out it was a midlife crisis and she was 19.
  • Climate change isn’t real, I’ll believe it when the oceans rise up and smack me in the face.
  • I can’t believe they legalized incest in Alabama. Getting real sick of the government telling me who I can and can’t screw!
  • I can’t wait for 2024 so I can make racist jokes again without any consequences.
  • Hey Siri, directions to the nearest migrant child detention center. Never mind, I don’t need your help gassing them.

Dark Humor Jokes about Religion & Spirituality

  • My priest asked me to join the choir. I said no, I don’t wanna get diddled.
  • What’s worse than 10 babies in one garbage can? 1 baby in 10 garbage cans.
  • What’s the difference between a Catholic priest and acne? Acne waits until you’re 13 to come on your face.
  • Why do vegans love music concerts? Because the meat is lifeless and easy to nail to a wall.
  • What do you call the useless skin around the vagina? A woman.

Dark Humor Jokes

Dark Humor Jokes about Animals

  • My friend bought a dog that won’t hunt or retrieve. Total waste of money if you ask me.
  • How do you get a pit bull off your leg? You peel it off. With ketchup.
  • Why can’t a bicycle stand on its own? It’s two tired! Must be from taking the dog for a walk.
  • I was going to tell a joke about my stupid dog, but I decided not to. I didn’t want to damage its reputation.
  • Why doesn’t Mexico have an Olympic team? Because anyone who can run, jump, and swim is already across the border.

Dark Humor Jokes about Work & School

  • Have you heard about the cheap vasectomy reversal? Snip-snap-snip-snap.
  • I told my boss that I wanted a pay raise and promotion. He told me he’d think about it. Guess he thought about it and said no.
  • The last words of my French teacher were “Don’t try this at home.”
  • I got fired from my job at the bank because I got caught money laundering. How was I supposed to know you can’t literally wash cash?
  • Why don’t pirates take a shower before they walk the plank? They just wash up on shore.

Dark Humor Jokes

Dark Humor Jokes about Health & Aging

  • I was talking to my grandma about the future. She said she didn’t think she’d live to see 2020. Looks like she was right!
  • Watching a horror movie is like visiting a rest home. Everyone is jumping from their chairs over nothing.
  • I was telling my friend that I always get shortness of breath walking up stairs, he said “you should try taking them slower”
  • Grandma died peacefully in her sleep - not screaming like the passengers in her car.
  • A friend let me use his wheelchair yesterday. Thanks for nothing. I only wanted to borrow it for an hour, but the battery died.

Dark Humor Jokes about Ethics & Morality

  • Everyone jokes about stopping Asian hate but nobody wants to address the real issue - yellow fever.
  • Why can’t Jesus eat M&Ms? They keep falling through the holes in his hands.
  • Why are blind people sad? Because they can’t see their friends frowning.
  • Have you seen the new corduroy pillows? They’re making headlines.
  • If they ever get rid of racism, what’s gonna keep old white guys mad?


Dark humor aims to diffuse life’s fears and anxieties through gallows humor. While not all jokes land for everyone, some find humor in the morbid as a coping mechanism. Hopefully this collection provided some twisted laughs to see you into the new year! Remember to keep offensive jokes to like-minded friends.