
Dark humor involves joking about taboo subjects like death, violence, or disturbing topics in a way that provokes nervous laughter rather than disgust or offense. These types of jokes push boundaries and explore topics that make many people uncomfortable. This article explores some of the darkest jokes on the internet with no limits on content.

Dark Humor Jokes

Types of Dark Humor Jokes

Dark humor jokes come in many forms:

  • Dead baby jokes: Jokes that reference dead or aborted babies in a shockingly casual manner.

  • Holocaust jokes: Jokes that involve or reference the genocide of European Jews during WWII in a deliberately offensive way.

  • Suicide jokes: Jokes that involve or reference suicide or attempted suicide as a punchline.

  • Rape jokes: Jokes that involve or reference rape or sexual assault as a casual topic.

  • School shooting jokes: Jokes that involve or reference real school shooting events in a deliberately insensitive way.

  • Orphan jokes: Jokes that portray orphans or people with dead/absent parents as the butt of humor.

  • Disabled jokes: Jokes that portray people with disabilities like amputees or downs syndrome as objects of ridicule.

Not all dark humor needs to be intentionally offensive. Some explore morbid topics through more clever wordplay or plots with surprising punchlines. But be warned - many jokes here push past what most would deem socially or morally acceptable. Reader discretion is strongly advised.

Dark Humor Jokes

Sample Jokes

Here are a few sample jokes that were collected from various “dark humor with no limits” lists online:

  • Why can’t Helen Keller drive? Because she’s dead.

  • What’s worse than 10 dead babies in a trash can? One dead baby in 10 trash cans.

  • Why do black people only have nightmares? We killed the last one that had a dream.

  • Why do you never see elephants hiding in trees? They’re really good at it.

  • I was going to tell a pizza joke but it was too cheesy. Just like the crust inside the oven at the holocaust memorial.

  • Why don’t Americans have kitchens in their houses? They prefer to dine in schools instead.

Dark Humor Jokes

Finding More Jokes

For those interested in exploring more outrageous dark humor jokes with no limits, some online sources with continually expanding collections include:

  • Bored Panda’s “Dark Jokes” article - Includes 50 jokes ranging from suicide to rape jokes. Constantly updates.

  • HumorNama’s “Dark Humor Jokes” - Over 120 jokes pushing boundaries on rape, torture, genocide and more.

  • Briefly’s “Top 100 Dark Humour Jokes” - As the name implies, a long list of 100 intentionally offensive jokes.

  • The Coolest’s “Orphan Jokes” - Focuses on humor targeting dead/absent parents through joke after joke.

Be advised that many of the jokes in these collections normalize topics like racial violence, rape, torture and genocide that most would find utterly repugnant and harmful. Reader discretion is strongly advised before exploring further.

Dark Humor Jokes


Dark humor occupies a tricky space, allowing exploration of taboo topics through jokes but also risking normalization of harmful attitudes. For those with very dark senses of humor, these joke collections can provide entertainment by testing boundaries. But be aware that what you find funny may deeply offend others - so keep this kind of humor among like-minded friends rather than broadcasting to wider audiences.